Walk Zone to make Campus Safer

A new “walk zone” at the center of campus between the library and Calhoun Drive will help make a busy part of Clemson University safer for pedestrians and bicyclists.  The University Media Relations Office reports that people on bicycles, skateboards, skates and scooters must dismount as they pass through the walk zone, preventing collisions that could hurt pedestrians and riders alike. Golf carts must bypass the area, except for those used by groundskeepers and food-service workers. The walk zone is bordered on the south by the library and the sidewalks that surround it and on the north by Calhoun Drive. Its west side is at rear of Bracket, Hardin and Olin halls and the east is at Martin, Kinard and Daniel halls. There are signs marking the entrances to the zone. The signs also have maps that identify nearby buildings and show the locations of accessible entrances.