Wayfinding Signage coming to OC in 2018

It will be much easier to get around the Golden Corner in the new year, tells Destination Oconee Manager Janet Hartman. “In the first quarter of 2018, we’re hoping to do Wayfinding Signage and that will be specific within the cities with their own logo and branding that will just complement want the county has done.” Hartman tells more about the countywide plan. “Initially we started with it going to sign all of the major tourism destinations; our lakes, our hiking trails, our waterfalls, access to the lakes and that kind of thing, but with our main thorough fares going through the cities, we thought while we’re in the city limits let’s also sign some of those destinations.” The idea is to make it easier for visitors to find their destinations and maybe visit other attractions, concludes Hartman. “What will happen is when people come into the county, they see our Gateway Signs; there’s the logo, the branding and the image is kind of in their mind, then as they come further into the county, they’ll see Wayfinding Signage that will direct them.” Look for the new Wayfinding Signs around the cities of Oconee County in 2018.