Westminster approves Smaller Budget

The City of Westminster will spend less in the coming fiscal year.  The Westminster City Council recently approved the fiscal year 2013-14 budget, which is 9.8% less than last year.  Westminster City Administrator David Smith explains.  “The City Council did their final reading of the fiscal year 2013-14 budgets and that’s plural.  It includes the utility fund, general fund and the other funds.  The total of all the funds, the total budget is $9,387,664.37.  That is about a 10% reduction from last year and the reduction is primarily due to a major water line that was constructed last year.  So, the budget is smaller this year compared to last year because of that major water line project.” The budget has no millage increases, adds Smith.  “The millage for the new budget is the same as it has been for a number of years, it is 90.7 mills, so no increase in the millage for this year.”  The fiscal year 2013-14 budget for the City of Westminster has no rate increases as well.