Westminster Fire displaces Family of Five
Just after 8am Monday morning, Oconee County firefighters were alerted to a report of a residential structure fire on Oak Grove Road in Westminster. Firefighters arrived on scene within ten minutes to find the home full of smoke and well involved in fire, including fire through the roof. The family was outside the home. Firefighters from four stations brought the blaze under control within ten minutes of arrival. Investigators have determined the cause of the fire to be attributed to a wood heater in the front room. A family of five, including three small children, occupied the home. The family has temporarily moved in with friends. At the time of the fire, the mother and two of the children were in the home. Firefighters credit the family being alive and well today because they had a working smoke detector in the home. The mother was awoken by the smoke detector, giving her time to ensure the two children were able to exit. Once outside of the home, the family met at a safe place and called 911. This family is proof that smoke detectors save lives. In 2012, Oconee County had four persons killed and over $4 million dollars in property damage from fire. Of the four deaths, none was in homes with a working smoke detector. If you do not have a working smoke detector, call Oconee County Emergency Services at (864) 638-4220 to obtain one. Fire Departments across Oconee County are committed to ensuring that every home has these life saving devices.