Westminster Makes Offer of Top Utilities Job; Candidate Accepts and is Approved by Council

The City of Westminster has offered the position of electric supervisor and interim utilities director to Leigh Allen Baker of Pleasant Grove, California. The offer was extended to Baker after a divided vote by the city council of four to three. Prior to entering executive session, Councilman Brad Chastain said Baker and his wife
were looking for a home in either Walhalla or Westminster. Where Baker is lived is a major point with Chastain’s colleague Yousef Mefleh, who cast one of the dissenting votes. Mefleh said he believes Baker should be required to live inside the city limits, and takes no issue with his qualifications. Baker had given the city a verbal acceptance of an $85 thousand offer, and once a contract is signed and background and drug screenings are satisfied, the target start work date for Baker is August 1.