Westminster Mayor Addresses State Of Oconee Luncheon; Praises Citizens Of The City Of Westminster

(Seneca, SC)——————–Recently, the State of Oconee 2019 Luncheon was held at Walhalla High School and one of the highlights of the meeting was the opportunity for all the Mayor’s of the five municipalities in the County to address those in attendance about what is going on in their cities. Westminster Mayor Brian Ramey, in his address to those gathered, praised the citizens of the city for keeping Westminster going even with loses industry and business, for example. 

Mayor Ramey said that seven new businesses opened in Westminster in the last several years and two in the last month. Several businesses are now open now that were not there two years ago and some have taken part in a Commercial Grant program for building upgrades that are available. 

The city also completed a system study on the electrical infrastructure and Westminster also partnered with Walhalla for a code’s official and with the enforcement position, the city is enforcing the property maintenance code that has led to dilapidated structures being torn down and there are more online to be torn down.