Westmoreland to receive SC Careers Governor’s Award

A recent graduate from the School District of Oconee County has been named the South Carolina Careers Governor’s Award Student of the Year.  Cassidy Westmoreland, a recent graduate of West-Oak High School and the Fred P. Hamilton Career Center, has achieved an outstanding level of academic success.  She recently earned the honor of being recognized as Salutatorian of her class and graduated with 32 high school credits, 8 more than the required 24 for graduation. As a National Technical Honor Society nominee and Platinum Seal recipient, Cassidy has earned all A’s in her CATE courses, which have included Principles of Biomedical Sciences, Human Body Systems, Medical Interventions, Biomedical Innovations, and Medical Terminology.  She attended the HOSA SC State Leadership Conference in Charleston, SC and competed in the Biomedical Debate where she was awarded fourth place in the state. Cassidy has also served as one of four student presenters at the SC State PLTW Guidance Counselors conference with the University of South Carolina. Cassidy has been accepted to and plans to continue her education at Clemson University in Engineering. She will attend graduate school in Bioengineering to ultimately become a Tissue Engineer. Cassidy is no doubt a champion of technology, not only from the technological advancements she has explored in her high school career, but also in the aspirations she has to solve technologically advanced medical issues of the future. She was recognized as the Pendleton Region winner and ultimately won the SC Award. She will be recognized at the Education and Business Summit in Greenville as the South Carolina Careers Governor’s Award Student of the Year.