Wet and Warm February

It was a wet and unseasonably warm February, reports Official U.S. Weather Observer Barbara Wilson from her Hickory Hollow Farm in Walhalla. “Since 7am yesterday to 7am today, we’ve had 2.22 inches of rain with a high yesterday of 51 and a low of 44. For the month of February, we had seven inches, which is above average. The highest maximum for February was 78 degrees, which occurred on Feb. 23, and the lowest minimum degrees was 21, which occurred on Feb. 1. Then there was something unusual, the highest minimum overnight was 60 degrees, which occurred on Feb. 22, that is the unusual part.” Rainfall amounts may differ where you live; Wilson recorded these figures from her weather station in Walhalla, which is about one-mile from the county seat. Wilson and her family, the Brandts, have been recording the weather from Walhalla for the National Weather Service for over 100 years. They are the longest active weather watchers and volunteer reporters for the National Weather Service.