WOMS Beta Club helps Keep Oconee Beautiful

About 30 members from West-Oak Middle School (WOMS) Beta Club took part in Keep Oconee Beautiful Association, or KOBA project, last weekend. Students walked and picked up several bags of trash over an eight mile route. Beta club focuses on teaching students to serve their community. Toward that end, WOMS Beta students are required to perform 100 hours of community service each year. “Teaching students to serve their community or other people who are in need is one of the greatest, if not the greatest, things we can teach kids to do today,” said Beta Club Advisor Jason Ray. “What better way to show love than to serve your community and school!” WOMS Beta club will perform many service learning projects this year from a diaper and wipe drive for Fostering Faithfully to collecting shoes for Shoes for Water. Their next service learning project is a canned food drive this month to help students in their school. A big thank you to the Beta advisors involved in the KOBA project: Amy Burgess, Lisa Newman, and Jason Ray.