WOMS Beta Club performs Service Project

The West-Oak Middle School (WOMS) Beta Club recently took part in a monthly service project by serving at the Golden Corner Food Pantry. Students helped out by sorting food, organizing boxes, and restocking shelves and coolers. The Beta Club has embarked on a monthly service project in the local community. They have participated in Keeping Oconee Beautiful, canned food drives for local food banks, and a diaper and wipe drive for Fostering Faithfully. This is the second time that the Beta Club has served at the Golden Corner Food Pantry. WOMS Beta Club advisors, Jason Ray and Amy Burgess, have put an emphasis on serving the community this year. “We truly believe that giving students opportunities to serve others is how students build empathy and compassion for others,” said Jason Ray. WOMS Beta Club is currently hosting their February serving opportunity with Shoes 4 Water. It is an organization that builds water wells in African communities. Students and parents are encouraged to drop off used and old pairs of shoes in the bucket at WOMS through March 2.