Work Continues On New Hamilton Career Center; Facility Scheduled To Open In August 2020

(Seneca, SC)————————-Construction is continuing on the new Hamilton Career Center, which is being built on the campus of the Oconee Industry and Technology Park on Highway 11, next to the Oconee campus of Tri-County Technical College.
Steve Hanvey, Associate Superintendent of Education for the School District of Oconee County, was a guest on the Coffee Time program yesterday and provided an update on where the construction stands at this point and the time frame for the opening of the new Career Center as well as the plans for what will be the old Hamilton Career Center.
Hanvey says that those who ride by the campus on Highway 11 will see activity going on with work going on the parking lot area as well as the walls for the structure going up.
Hanvey says the current plans are still to open up the facility for classes in August of 2020. The current Hamilton Career Center will be repurposed for the School District’s Alternative School, and the Adult Education Program among other programs, as well as the maintenance department.