Air Quality Alert Issued by NWS

Issued By
Greenville-Spartanburg – SC, US, National Weather Service
Affected Area
Greater Oconee
…AIR QUALITY ALERT IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 8 PM EDT THIS EVENING… The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control in Columbia SC has issued a Code Orange Ground Level Ozone Action Day for the Upstate region of South Carolina, from 10 AM this morning to 8 PM EDT this evening. An ozone action day means that atmospheric conditions will likely produce unhealthy concentrations of ground level ozone air pollution. A Code Orange forecast indicates that ground level ozone concentrations are expected to be unhealthy for sensitive groups, which includes people with lung disease, older adults and children. Sensitive groups should reduce prolonged or heavy outdoor exertion, take more breaks, and do less intense activities, especially during afternoon and early evening hours. You can help prevent ozone pollution by walking or riding your bicycle, taking your lunch to work, reducing idling, conserving energy, and keeping your vehicle properly tuned. For additional information, please visit the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control web site at or the Environmental Protection Agency AirNow website at