Americans living in Multi-Generational Homes sets Record

The number of Americans living in multi-generational homes has hit a record 57-million people. That’s just over 18% of the population. Pew researchers say, in the past, it was usually aging parents, who moved in with their adult kids. For the first time they found more young adults living with their parents. Richard Fry, a senior economist with Pew Research, explains what a multi-generational home is. “A household were you have a least two adult generations present.” Roughly one in four Americans, aged 25 to 34, lives in a multi-generational home. Fry say it’s evidence young Americans are still struggling financially, post recession. “The share of the population that is living in a multi-generational family household, its continued to rise even after the recession has ended.” The Pew Research Center conducted the study on multi-generational homes in the U.S.