Annual Schuck Memorial Blood Drive on May 17

schuck-mediaThe 2016 Schuck Memorial Blood Drive takes place on Tuesday, May 17, as part of Law Enforcement Officers Appreciation Week. The Blood Drive, from 11am until 7pm, features two buses from the Blood Connection to help reduce waiting time. T-Shirts will also be sold during the blood drive, with sizes S-XL being sold for $10 each and 2x and 3x sizes being sold for $12. In addition, orders will be taken during the blood drive for “Honor The Fallen” afghans, which are being sold for $38 each. The proceeds from the annual blood drives goes towards the Schuck Memorial Scholarship, which goes toward tuition support for a high school student in the law enforcement program at the Hamilton Career Center who plans to continue their education at a college or university in a degree program that can be used in a law enforcement career. The Blood Drive is held in honor of Deputy Bill Schuck who passed away in the line of duty in the early morning house of Feb. 7, 2010 after being pinned between his patrol vehicle and a tree on a dirt road off Highway 11. Schuck served with the Sheriff’s Office for 2 years and before that with the West Columbia Police Department for 2 years. National Law Enforcement Officer Appreciation Week is being recognized this year from May 15-21.