Basic Computer Class at Walhalla Library

If you would like more help navigating the Internet, particularity social media sites, than a computer class at the Walhalla Library might be worth taking, says Oconee County Public Library (OCPL) Interim Director and Branch Services Librarian Blair Hinson. “There are a lot of people who not that tech literate, older folks or folks that didn’t really ever have to use computers in their workplace that kind of thing. I mean we see them come in and it is tough for them because everything is online, so if you are not that comfortable with computers this is something that we hope really fills a need. This particular one on Tuesday, April 18, at 1pm in the Walhalla Library is going to be covering social media. So, if you are not that familiar with some of the social media platforms that everyone seems to be using these days; Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and that kind of thing.” The class is free to attend for anyone who has a library card with the OCPL.