Be prepared for the Cold

It is going to be cold the next few days in the Golden Corner of Upstate South Carolina. Residents are encouraged to be prepared when the temperature drops, says Oconee County Fire Marshal and Deputy Chief of Fire and Life Safety Shane Gibbs. “Over the next few days, the National Weather Service is saying that we are to be expecting to get some winter weather. So, there are a couple of safety things that we would like for the community to be aware of. The first is related to heating your home. Whether you are using a wood stove or a gas stove, we recommend you to have a carbon monoxide alarm. As always check your smoke alarms to make sure they are working properly. Make sure that whatever heating device you are using has been properly maintained, the chimneys have been cleaned, you gas heater has been looked at this year, and hopefully filters have been changed. We don’t recommend people using alternate heating sources; the radiant camp heaters that are applied on top of propane bottles, we don’t like to see those, those are labeled for outdoor use only. A lot times those can create a hazardous environment. If you are going to be out in the weather, allow time to get to places that you want to go to, don’t be in a rush, and always keep a well stocked emergency kit with you. Include a blanket and other items that you might need if you become stranded or have to wait on help for a long period of time. With the cold weather, check on your friends, neighbors, family, and especially the older populations of our community are taken care of.” Please follow this safety advice and bundle up because its going to be cold outside.