Budget on Walhalla City Council’s Agenda Tonight

Tonight, Walhalla City Council will review a proposed $17 million budget for fiscal year 2024-25, presented by City Administrator Celia Myers.

The budget, totaling $17,082,350, is distributed across three funds: $5,795,900 for the general fund, $5,576,450 for the enterprise fund, and $5,710,000 for the special revenue fund, including $5 million designated for a new community center. Highlights of the budget encompass a 3 percent pay raise for city employees, a 5 percent longevity program, and adjustments based on a Municipal Association of South Carolina wage study.

Noteworthy allocations include funding for a new fire engine, fleet management system, and creation of four positions, including a water crew and parks, recreation, and tourism director. The budget proposes a 6 percent millage increase and various revenue enhancements such as updated tap fees and expectations of increased business licenses and tourism tax revenues due to city growth and park expansions.

Myers emphasized that the current budget utilizes American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds for infrastructure and property settlements, but she stressed the need for sustainability moving forward. Additionally, council will consider fee updates for recreational services and recognize individuals for their accomplishments in resolutions.

The meeting will commence at 6 p.m. at City Hall on 206 N. Church St.