Celebrate Christmas with Hero helping more kids this year

Celebrate Christmas with a Hero is helping even more kids and families this year.  Sergeant Lisa Williams with the Seneca Police Department is one of the organizers of the countywide program and she announces that this year, the board of directors has decided to do things a little differently. This will be the first year that there will not be a party for recipients; instead, Celebrate Christmas with a Hero will assist more children.  The board feels deferring that party money will allow the program to assist 18-20 more families this year. The board plans to evaluate everything at the first of next year regarding the program.  The board thanks everyone for their assistance at the party in years past.  Celebrate Christmas with a Hero is now collecting and needs new toy and clothing donations. SenecaCity Hall will be collecting donations until December 12, 2013.  Celebrate Christmas with a Hero will transport collections to Ann Hope United Methodist Church on the Utica Mill Hill that afternoon and will sort items that evening with recipients picking up their gifts on December 13, 2013 from 10am to 1pm at the church.  All donations to Celebrate Christmas with a Hero are tax deductible, upon request.