Clemson 8 Challenge Begins Saturday

The Clemson 8 Challenge, an annual event honoring Clemson University alumnus who were World War II POWs, will take place from March 9-16.

The event welcomes all, from marathoners to casual walkers, to complete an 8, 14, or 26.2-mile event in a day or over eight days. The on-campus event is on March 9 at the Upper Intramural Fields.

The challenge was created in 2020 for Brig. Gen. Beverly “Ben” Skardon ’38, the last surviving Clemson POW from the Bataan Death March, to continue his tradition of walking 8 1/2 miles in honor of his fallen comrades. Skardon, who passed away in 2021 at age 104, participated in the first Clemson 8 Challenge in 2021, walking 8 miles over six days. The event now honors POWs from all wars, with 25 known Clemson POWs today.

Proceeds benefit Clemson military-affiliated students, funding their participation in the annual Bataan Memorial Death March at White Sands. This year, an all-female team will compete for the first time.

To sign up for the in-person or virtual event, visit the event’s sign-up page.