Controversial Cartoon Leads County Council to Halt Extra Spending with Local Newspaper
A motion by Oconee County Council member Paul Cain of Seneca was made at last night’s County Budget meeting to defund advertising with The Journal…
Walhalla’s council member, Wayne McCall, wanted the county to stop all of the ad business and complained that this year the county has so far paid the paper $113 thousand…
McCall accused the paper of “slanting and twisting” the news and further called for the county to ban Journal employees from county property. But the councilman was overruled by County Attorney David Root who said such a ban would be illegal. The vote last night came a day after The Journal published a cartoon which members of the African American community and others considered racially offensive. County Council Chair Julian Davis III said that racism is real, and there is need for continued discussions to bring it to an end…
Although the paper apologized, explained how the cartoon made it into the paper, and promised to work toward better relations, seven audience members tonight registered their displeasure with the paper. Some of the speakers called for an end to the county’s advertising relationship with the paper.
The entire meeting, which at times seemed to become volatile, may be viewed on the County’s You Tube Channel, “Your Oconee”.