Curator explains differences in Seneca City Museums

The City of Seneca has two museums on West South 1st Street but these museums are very different, says curator and director Dr. John Martin. “The Lunney House Museum is an architectural house, in other words you are looking at an American Queen Anne style bungalow very few of them exist particularly from the time of the turn of the century complete with beautiful furnishing many from the Lunney estate.” A two-year restoration of the Lunney House Museum was completed on June 30, 2011. Dr. Martin says the Bertha Lee Strickland Museum, once completed will be a different type of museum. “The new Bertha Lee Strickland Museum is a cultural museum and will be evolving all the time representing so much of our African-American history and heritage, which is very rich.” The Lunney House Museum is open for tours, Thursday through Sunday from 1-5pm as well as by appointment.