Dangerous Exotic Animal Owners asked to post Warning Signs

After a meeting of the Public Safety Committee of the Oconee County Council, Sheriff Mike Crenshaw is asking residents who own dangerous exotic animals to voluntarily place a sign on their door to warn law enforcement and emergency personnel of their existence. According to Sheriff Crenshaw, Oconee County Council plans to meet with the Oconee County Legislative Delegation to inquire about the Legislature addressing this issue on a state level. “It is dangerous for fire, police, paramedics, and first responders to enter a residence or building without knowing that a dangerous animal is there,” says Sheriff Crenshaw. “We are asking our citizens to post on their entrance doors signs to alert those who may be responding that a dangerous animal is located inside. The signs are free and can be picked up at the Sheriff’s Office or may be downloaded from our website at www.oconeelaw.com.”