Dangers of Texting and Driving

Technology is improving life as we know it on a daily basis, but that same technology can also destroy lives if used inappropriately, especially when it comes to driving.  Since texting began, it has been blamed for countless auto accidents and deaths on U.S. roads.  A new study examined accidents involving texting.  Study author Christine Yager says the amount of time drivers spent looking at the road decreased, no matter how they were texting. “However, they are texting, if they are watching the road less often and their reactions times are slower than you are less able to take action in response to a sudden roadway hazard.” Siri and GPS systems can also be a big distraction behind the wheel, adds Yager. “All of these different and seemingly new kinds of distractions are still distractions, so hopefully it will help people make better choices.” The Texas Transportation Institute conducted the study on texting and driving.