DEA’s Pill Take Back yields Fruitful Results in SC

South Carolinians participating in the United States Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA’s) eleventh National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day Initiative (NTBI) on April 30, turned in 6,688 pounds of unwanted or expired medications for safe and proper disposal at sites set up throughout the state. This amount highest total collected statewide during the ten previous Take-Back events. While South Carolinians turned in 6,688 pounds of unwanted or expired medications, nationally, 893,498 pounds or 447 tons of expired and unwanted prescription medications were collected in more than 5,359 sites across the United States. This event was a unique opportunity for Americans to make their homes and medicine cabinets safe from theft and abuse. It also helped raise awareness about the dangers of controlled prescription opioids and allowed these potentially dangerous substances to be properly disposed of in environmentally safe way.