DHEC & Local COVID-19 Numbers Update

On Sunday, DHEC announced 825 new confirmed cases and 14 new probable cases of COVID-19, 20 additional confirmed deaths and 1 new probable death. The total number of confirmed cases is 175,730, probable cases is 9,958, confirmed deaths is 3,776, and probable deaths is 260. There were 35 new cases and one death reported n Anderson County; 39 and one death in Pickens County; and 14 new cases here in Oconee County.

Clemson Athletics completed 1,377 COVID-19 PCR tests on student-athletes and staff from Oct. 30 to Nov. 6. A total of four individuals tested positive, including three student-athletes, or 0.3% positive. Since June 1, Clemson student-athletes and athletic staff have completed 14,274 COVID-19 PCR tests, with 181 positive results (143 student-athletes, 38 staff), 1.3% positive, and no hospitalizations.

In the School District of Oconee County, two more students were confirmed positive late last week, one from West-Oak High, the other from Fair-Oak Elementary. Currently there are three clasees from three different Oconee County elementary schools who were switched to distance learning. The first of those three is set to return to in person instruction tomorrow, with the other two classes scheduled to return from quarantine on Thursday.