Discussion on Oconee County Budget Constraints and Growth

At the Budget, Finance, and Administration Committee meeting on Tuesday, the impact of a recent Oconee County Council ordinance limiting the county’s general fund growth was discussed.

Chaired by Councilman John Elliott, the committee, including the full council, reviewed the proposed fiscal year 2024-25 budget totaling $63,751,356 for the General Fund, $12,017,069 for Special Revenue Funds, $8,920,050 for Capital Projects Funds, $10,921,177 for the Enterprise Fund, and $3,214,552 for the Debt Service Fund—a $5 million increase from the current fiscal year’s amended budget.

Councilman Julian Davis inquired about new employee positions, to which County Administrator Amanda Brock confirmed there were none due to revenue constraints. Davis expressed concern about not adding police positions despite population growth, with Brock indicating budget limitations on revenue increases.

The budget passed unanimously at the council’s regular meeting later that night, where Elliott emphasized the overall budget increase to nearly $99 million for the next fiscal year. Davis noted that growth in the general fund often includes grant money, clarifying that it doesn’t necessarily mean increased taxation.