DNR offers guidelines for dealing with Bears

Biologists with the S.C. Department of Natural Resources are reporting increased bear activity throughout the state, and they urge people to use common sense when encountering these animals. The warm weather has black bears moving this spring. While people may be excited about seeing a bear, biologists urge them to remember that bears are wild animals and should be respected. Black bears are usually shy, evasive and non-aggressive toward people. Neither a human fatality nor an attack has been attributed to a black bear in South Carolina.  Bears have been spotted in 45 of 46 counties. If you see a bear and would like to report it, use the web-based reporting form, developed by the S.C. Department of Natural Resources. Sightings are recorded and used to aid in black bear management.  The key to dealing with wandering bears is not giving them a reason to hang around. Removing anything that would attract bears from your residence will greatly reduce any bear issues. The S.C. Department of Natural Resources offers these suggestions to cope with bears: No feeding: A bear that becomes accustomed to having food provided is an accident waiting to happen; don’t feed a bear the first time and it will likely leave the area soon. No garbage: Keep garbage in tightly shut or bear-proof trash cans; garbage left in the open, in an open dumpster, or in the back of a truck is an open invitation for a bear. Beehives: If you are going to have beehives in bear territory, protect your investment with an electric, bear-proof fence.