Dr. Martin reflects on 4 Years at Lunney Museum

As we approach the New Year, many will begin to reflect on the past.  LunneyHouseMuseum curator and director Dr. John Martin is reflecting on the past four years at the city-owned museum.  “This month begins my fifth year, I‘ve really enjoyed this opportunity I have at the Lunney and working with the city.  It is amazing, you know, how time has past, we got the Lunney up.  But I think, what is most important to me, not only my passion for the Lunney but my involvement to help with making the spirit of Seneca grow.” Seneca Mayor Dan Alexander is grateful that Dr. Martin came to the city and renovated the museum.  “When you look back on the years and you look at the Lunney and we look at the time when the county owned it and now the city owns it.  We went through that part of it where we were able to get it from Mr. Finley, that was real complicated for us to be able to actually get the Lunney House, that whole legal process to be able to get it.  But when you think about and I am a strong believer in things happen for a reason and Dr. Martin is here for a reason.  The good Lord blessed us to have him here to go through the renovations, just the renovation of the Lunney, it has totally been redone.”  Learn more about the historic museum at www.lunneyhousemuseum.org and to schedule a tour, call Dr. Martin at 864-710-7494.