Duke Energy offering Holiday Lighting Calculator

Decorative flashing lights are a sign of Christmas and Duke Energy is offering residents information to help save energy and money during the holiday season. There are a number of efficient, budget-friendly lighting options available to help control costs during the holiday season, according to Duke Energy. Six 100-bulb sets of large, incandescent bulbs plugged in six hours every evening can add up to $80 to a monthly power bill. By comparison, six 100-bulb sets of similarly styled LED bulbs would increase a monthly power bill by only about $7. Using six 100-bulb sets of mini-LED bulbs would increase a monthly power bill by only $1. Customers can estimate their holiday lighting costs using a calculator on Duke Energy’s website: www.duke-energy.com/lightscalculator. For more information on how to save energy and money visit www.duke-energy.com.