Fair Play Event to raise money for DOK Kits
An event in Fair Play in the middle of June will help raise money for the purchase of kits that could help save a deputy’s life. The event is called Turn a Kit For a Cop and will take place on June 15 from 4pm until 7pm at the location of the Gazebo Restaurant at Highway 11 at I-85. The Gazebo Restaurant, Lake and Land Realty, and Phantom Fireworks of Fair Play sponsor the event. Proceeds from the fundraiser will go to purchase DOK Kits, which contain lifesaving first aid materials, which includes a tourniquet. Captain Jeff Underwood of the Road Patrol Division of the Oconee County Sheriff’s Office gives details. “The DOK kits contain several different kinds of bandages. The main component of the kit is a tourniquet for life saving incidents where there is a tremendous blood loss. We want them to maintain that tourniquet on their body at all times. They will have a little pouch that will keep the tourniquet intertwined in their vest and it will be in the same place for all the deputies. That way if the officer needs help they will know where to find it. The rest of the kit will be maintained in their vehicle. There have been a number of instances in the Upstate where officers have had their lives saved, Greenville County recently. An officer was shot and had a tourniquet placed on his leg. It probably saved his life. A lot of knowledge was gained through the global war on terror in Afghanistan and Iraq based on field tourniquet use concerning the myth that if you ever used a tourniquet that you were going to lose that limb. They found that that was not the case at all.” BBQ plates will be sold at the event for $8 each at the Gazebo Restaurant and will be served by deputies. The plates will consist of a BBQ sandwich, slaw, baked beans and tea and will be either eat in or carry out. Also scheduled for the fund raiser will be a dog demonstration, the Sheriff’s Office helicopter, the S.W.A.T. van, one of the Sheriff’s Office boats, the fire department smoke house demonstrator, face painting for children, and a father’s day card center. In addition, a cake sale and a cake walk with take place, and coupons will be available for discounts on fireworks from Phantom Fireworks. In addition, with each BBQ plate purchased, individuals will have a chance to win great prizes from sponsors in drawings that will take place, and a grand prize will be awarded as well. Individuals will also have a chance to buy extra tickets to win gift certificates from area supporters. You do not have to be present to win. Moreover, Diamond-T Promotional Gear will have Fair Play t-shirts for sale, with a portion of the proceeds going to the fundraiser. In addition, some of the DOK kits are scheduled to be on display as well.