Four Pipes burst at OC School Buildings

This week’s cold snap caused four pipes to burst at buildings of the School District of Oconee County, explains Dr. Michael Thorsland, assistant superintendent for operations.  “The two worst were at field houses, one at West-Oak High and one at Seneca High.  Part of the issue there is that field houses are primarily used during the outdoor sporting seasons, which is the fall for football and the spring for track, baseball and softball, those type sports; so in the winter time there are not as many people in the field houses.  Temperatures are on set back temperatures, so it is a little bit cooler in those buildings and we did have pipes in both locations to burst.  It did quit a bit of damage to the ceiling because the pipes were overhead in the ceiling, so quit a bit of cleanup was necessary.” Dr. Thorsland tells about the other two burst pipe situations.  “One was at Orchard Park and that was an outdoor faucet and it caused some water to leak in the wall but it wasn’t a major cleanup and we got that repaired.  The fourth was at Fair Oak Elementary and it was in the kitchen area and it was not a major problem and was an easier cleanup job.”  The School District budgets for such emergencies and Dr. Thorsland even thinks the two major leaks could be covered by insurance.  “In our maintenance department, we budget for repairs and the two repairs at Seneca High and West-Oak High; we think they may be large enough to where our insurance helps us.  We have a $5,000 deductible but we think those two may reach that deductible, so we get some insurance help.” All four-burst pipes have been repaired.