Government Offices Closed for President’s Day

Today is President’s Day, and local, state and federal government offices, including schools and post offices are closed. Routine law enforcement, fire and EMS operations continue as normal. Trash scheduled for collection today in the City of Walhalla will be picked up tomorrow and Wednesday. All other Walhalla trash routes remain the same. Garbage service will stay on schedule today in the City of Seneca, however, City Hall is closed. A meeting scheduled tonight of the Oconee Municipal Association has been postponed. Linda Oliver, association president, said a new date will be announced. Tomorrow evening at 5:30pm the Walhalla City Council will meet for their regular February meeting. Resolutions recognizing Black History Month, and the contributions of Martha Wright of Moore’s Avenue to local government, are on the agenda for the meeting at Walhalla City Hall, which is open to the public.