Governor McMaster Signs Gender-Affirming Care Ban for Minors, Joins Efforts Against WHO Pandemic Treaty

On Tuesday, Governor Henry McMaster signed into law a ban on gender-affirming care for transgender minors, making South Carolina the 25th state to implement such restrictions.

The law prohibits health professionals from performing gender-transition surgeries, prescribing puberty blockers, and overseeing hormone treatments for patients under 18. School principals or vice principals must inform parents if a child wishes to use a name or pronouns that do not match their sex assigned at birth.

Today, Governor McMaster will join Jewish community leaders and General Assembly members for a ceremonial signing of H. 4042, defining antisemitism in South Carolina.

Additionally, McMaster and 23 other Republican governors have written a letter to the Biden Administration opposing the proposed “Pandemic Treaty” with the World Health Organization. They argue the treaty would grant the WHO unprecedented and unconstitutional powers over the U.S., potentially undermining national sovereignty and states’ rights.

The governors contend the treaty could elevate the WHO from an advisory body to a global authority in public health, establish a global surveillance infrastructure, and censor free speech.

On Tuesday, 93.3% of voters in Georgia’s Republican primary opposed giving “unelected and unaccountable international bureaucrats,” such as those at the WHO, control over future pandemic management and personal health choices in the U.S. While nonbinding, this vote may influence future legislative actions in Georgia.