Governor McMaster Toured Local Facility Thursday, Undergoes Minor Surgery Today

On Thursday morning, South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster visited a manufacturing plant in Seneca, where he highlighted the significance of employee training and innovation in expanding the state’s manufacturing sector.

He toured Schneider Electric’s smart manufacturing facility on U.S. Highway 123 in Seneca to gain insights into the production capabilities of the over 280,000-square-foot engineer-to-order facility. This facility manufactures low-voltage motor control centers used in various equipment, from production lines to oil rigs to wastewater plants, as per a company press release. After the tour, Governor McMaster dined at the Seneca Family Restaurant.

In other news, Governor McMaster is scheduled to undergo a medical procedure to rectify an intermittent irregular heartbeat on Friday morning, under general anesthesia, as announced by his office. The governor’s cardiologist, Amy Rawl Epps, described the procedure as elective and “relatively simple.”

She also confirmed that McMaster has normal cardiac function and no significant coronary artery disease. While McMaster is under anesthesia, the state constitution permits Lieutenant Governor Pamela S. Evette to take executive action in an emergency. The procedure, described as minor in a statement from his office, will commence at 8 a.m. and is expected to last approximately 2 to 3 hours.