Hopkins named New Ass. Superintendent in OC

At a special called board meeting on Thursday, the Board of Trustees for the School District of Oconee County accepted the recommendation of Virginia “Ginger” Hopkins as the new Assistant Superintendent of Instruction. The effective date of this appointment is July 1, 2014. Oconee County Schools Superintendent Dr. Michael Thorsland commented, “We feel very fortunate to be able to hire someone with the experience and expertise that Ginger Hopkins possesses. It says a lot for our community that someone of her caliber would want to work here.” Hopkins has more than 18 years of experience as a teacher and administrator. She has prior experience as an Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction in Beaufort County School District, Beaufort, SC. She has worked as the Vice President for Client Services and Operations for ACT. Hopkins stated, “The School District of Oconee County has a solid reputation. That said, these are challenging times in education as we try to prepare our students to compete globally during fragile economic times. I’m pleased to join with the School Board, Dr. Thorsland and staff, and the community to prepare our students and achieve our shared mission of developing productive citizens who are lifelong learners.”