June Elections Still Set to Move Forward – Absentee Voting Encouraged

The June 9 Statewide Primaries and June 23 Runoffs are set to proceed as scheduled. The SEC has no authority to delay the primaries or deviate from current law in conducting elections. Voting options remain unchanged. Voters should prepare now to exercise their right to vote by choosing the best option for them. Those who qualify are urged to vote absentee as soon as possible. If voting absentee by mail, you should apply now. In-person absentee voting at county voter registration offices begins May 4. Some polling places will be relocated or consolidated due to the pandemic. Some facilities have declined to be used, and some poll managers have declined to serve. Election officials are working to find new locations and recruit new managers; however, some voters will vote at a different polling place. For more information, go online to OconeeSC.com, stop by the Oconee County Board of Elections and Voter Registration in Walhalla or call their office at 864-638-4196.