Keep Sick Students Home

During the cold and flu season, the School District of Oconee County reminds parents and caregivers to keep children home if they are sick.  The School District encourages parents to keep any child at home with visible symptoms of illness: fever, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. Oconee County Schools Superintendent Dr. Mike Lucas says keep sick kids at home.  “We ask that parents do keep children who are contagious and who are sick at home because then they are endangering other children from getting it and of course during this time of year, we try to do a lot of sanitizing of high touch areas, for instance, door knobs and things of that nature.  So, we do our best because most infection is spread with your hands.” Check your child’s temperature anytime they complain of not feeling well. If their fever is 100 or above at bedtime, School District nurses recommend that they not attend school the next day. Do not forget that other preventive measures to keep your child healthy include covering your nose and mouth with a tissue when sneezing or coughing. Always remember to avoid touching areas such as your eyes, mouth, and nose as germs can spread quickly. Moreover, everyone should wash his or her hands with soap and water frequently during the winter season.