Keowee Elementary reads for OC Humane Society

Students at Keowee Elementary School recently participated in a Read-A-Thon hosted by the school’s Student Service Learning Club. Service Learning Club members met to discuss the needs of the community, and decided as a group to help raise money for the Oconee Humane Society. Keowee students in grades K-5 asked sponsors to donate money for every step they and their classmates read during the read-a-thon. Together, the school raised over $588 dollars. The four classes who raised the most money will each get a visit from dogs and owners from SC Dogs Therapy Group and participate in the “I Read to Animals” program. To wrap up the event, Suzanne Daddis, Dianne Sosnowski, and Kathy Vordeburg, volunteers from the Oconee Humane Society and SC Dogs Therapy Group held an assembly at the school. They brought along “Fletcher” and “Merlin”, two trained and registered therapy dogs, to demonstrate safety around strange dogs and how to love and respect all animals. Dianne said, on behalf of the Humane Society, “We are honored to have been selected by this wonderful group of caring and motivated students.  Being with them was inspiring for all of us, including our dogs.” Libby Imbody, Service Learning Committee Chair said, “This was a great student-driven learning opportunity for the kids at Keowee. They got to practice their reading skills WHILE helping raise money for the shelter. We at Keowee are looking forward to growing our partnership with the Oconee Humane Society by continuing to raise money and increase awareness of pet safety and overpopulation issues.”