Kids’ TV Habits mirror Parents’

A new study shows that the best way for parents to get their children to turn off the TV is by setting a good example. Amy Bleakley is the study’s lead author and she suggests this connection.  “The best predictor of a child’s’ TV time is the amount of time their parents spend watching TV.” Bleakley says that television time should be limited. “The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that kids older than two years old watch no more than 2-hours of non-educational media a day, so really that is the guideline.” She says this information will help treat children who spend too much time in front of the screen. “It has been conventional wisdom but now we have an empirical basis for moving forward with that knowledge to work on different interventions and approaches, when necessary.” Therefore, setting a good example for your kids is crucial to reducing time in front of the TV, concludes Bleakley.  “Parents who are concerns about their children’s time spent with TV and other media should really be aware of their own use and that changes to their habits may have a ripple effect on their children, so that parents might find if they curtail their own TV time that their children will follow suit.” Researchers recommend establishing a regular activity or game night with your family to reduce the amount of time they spend in front of the TV each week.