Longtime Seneca Attorney honored for Service

After 32-years serving as Seneca City Attorney Mike Smith performed his final duty Tuesday night by swearing in the newly elected city council members. “It has been a great experience. The city has grown and changed a lot and of course we have had some problems but by in large it has been a really good experience and I’m honored to have been able to serve this long.” Afterwards Smith was honored by the city for his years of service. Seneca City Administrator Greg Dietterick presented Smith with a gold pocket watch and thanked him. “He is a great guy. Mike has always zeroed in on what was the best thing for Seneca. Nothing was ever vindictive, it was always what was in the best interest of the city and how to we keep everybody between the laws and move forward. People don’t realize that he was a judge, he was a city attorney, he has his own practice and has done very well with it, but what an asset to the community. He’s become a very good friend over the years, his wife and my wife we go out to dinner all the time and we do a little bit of traveling together, just a great individual and a great couple.” For the past few months Smith has been working with his successor Bo Bowman to make sure he is ready to assume the duties of city attorney. “I think he will do fine. He has been working as an assistant for several months and he has really diligently looking at everything. I think he is just going to be great.” Bowman was appointed by the city council Tuesday night as the new city attorney.