March for Babies this Saturday in Seneca

March for Babies this Saturday in downtown Seneca. It’s the annual March of Dimes fundraiser, explains Amanda LaVecchia, Oconee County Community Director for the March of Dimes. “We are fundraising for prematurely, birth defects and infant mortality, which is the mission of the March of Dimes to inevitably one-day defeat, so that every baby is born healthy and has a fighting chance.” LaVecchia tells how to make a donation. “If you just want to walk with us you are more than welcome to come out and walk with us. We will kick off about 9am and the walk is a little over three-miles. In regards to donating, we have multiple options online at You can sign up your own team or join a friend’s team. We accept donations in all shapes and sizes.” Registration for the March for Babies begins at 8:30am with the ceremony planned for 9am at Norton-Thompson Park in downtown Seneca. The three-mile walk starts at the park then proceeds to City Hall on 1st Street and concludes at Ingles. The community is encouraged to attend this fundraiser and enjoy a family friendly atmosphere complete with music and entertainment. For more information or to register a team, go to