Motorists encouraged to slow down in School Zones

Schools are back in session around the state and that means increased traffic congestion and pedestrian traffic. Troopers are asking motorists to be extra cautious for children especially along bus routes. “Getting children to and from school right now is everyone’s primary concern,” said SCDPS Director Leroy Smith. “The increased traffic and stress of learning car pool lines and bus routes means we all need to exercise extra patience and vigilance, especially these first weeks.” The South Carolina Department of Public Safety began enforcement initiatives and public outreach this month to raise awareness about the presence of children and the dangers of careless driving behaviors. Law enforcement will be especially vigilant between 6-9am and 3-6pm when children will be going to and from school. In the coming weeks, troopers will be visiting schools and car pool lines to share safety information with parents and guardians. “The public should expect to see more law enforcement as we work with our local law enforcement partners and schools to get our children safely back into a routine,” said Highway Patrol Col. Mike Oliver. “We need the public to help us by watching out for children getting on and off the bus and for pedestrian traffic crossing and walking on roadways.” Troopers will especially concentrate on speed, aggressive driving and safety belts in school zones and around schools. The Highway Patrol is also urging parents, guardians and schools to closely supervise their children around bus stops and in schools zones and ensure children understand simple safety concepts that could save their lives. Historically, the majority of collisions around schools occur during the 7-8am and 3-4pm time frames. The SC Department of Public Safety Office of Highway Safety shows that from 2009-2012, there were 10 people killed in collisions involving a school bus.