Mountain Lakes CVB’s Spring Visitors Guide has arrived

The Mountain Lakes Convention and Visitor’s Bureau serving Oconee County announces that their Spring/Summer 2017 Visitors Guide has arrived. Charlotte Waters, Sales Manager with the Mountain Lakes CVB says scenic splendor and outdoor adventure are waiting to be discovered in Oconee County. “The Visitors Guide just came out and it is the Spring/Summer Guide so it will help you to all the waterfalls, rivers and lakes. New this year, we are doing some boat safety courses to make sure that everyone is safe while they are out playing and we also have a feature article by Bobby Holliday, who does a lot of our videos and pictures.” Waters tells where you can get a Visitors Guide. “They can get them through the Chambers of Commerce, at the Visitors Center in Walhalla, they can go online and download their own digital version at, and at different restaurants and stores throughout the county.” The Visitors Guide is comprehensive, user-friendly, and a great resource for planning the best trips in Oconee County.