New Cameras going in at Seneca Wellness Center

New security cameras are to be installed at Seneca’s Wellness Center.  At their monthly meeting this week, the Seneca City Council approved the new cameras after rearranging the buildings, explains Seneca Mayor Dan Alexander. “We have rearranged some things at our WellnessCenter.  The Oasis Building were the equipment was has been moved up to where the school was, so we are using that building for the Wellness Center and expanded it.  Where the Oasis Building is and where the Wellness Center was the Police Department is using that facility for some of their offices where they were over crowded.  The cameras are for security to be able to monitor the building but also throughout the building, so if we ever need access to any type of footage we would be able to get it.  That was just something that we felt like was the right thing to do.” Security cameras are now in almost all city buildings, adds Mayor Alexander.  “Pretty much all city buildings, not only do they have cameras with video but there is also audio in some of them and also they have alarm systems in all of them.  We actually contracted with Blue Ridge Security System; they have done all of our security systems.  They will be doing the work there and we just felt like it was the right thing to have a better security system on that building.” The new cameras are to be installed sometime in the next few weeks.