Nominations sought for Clemson Ring of Honor

Nominations for the Clemson Ring of Honor are being accepted at the Clemson Athletic Department.  Nominations for all sports will be accepted until June 1.  Send nominations in the form of a letter to: Tim Bourret, Ring of Honor Chairman, PO Box 31, Clemson, SC, 29633.  The charge of the Ring of Honor committee is to bestow the highest athletic award presented by the Clemson Athletic Department on deserving candidates.  The committee will examine the careers of candidates in all Clemson sports. Nominations are made by any member of the Clemson Athletic Department, IPTAY, a member of the faculty or a relative of a worthy nominee. Nominations should be made in the form of a letter with a complete list of accomplishments. The committee will recognize individuals who have demonstrated consistent and unique national excellence in their sport during their Clemson career.  In general, they must have made a noteworthy contribution to the history of the Clemson Athletic Program.  For a coach to be nominated he or she must be retired from coaching that sport at the college level.