OC EMS Chief remembers 9/11

Today marks the 14th anniversary the terrorist attacks in New York City, Washington, D.C. and in Pennsylvania in which 2,977 people perished. Oconee County Emergency Service Director Chief Scott Krien shared these thoughts on that dark day in American history. “We all remember where we were when those fatal events happened and we look at it and remember that everyday our responders respond to that same possible event all over the country and in Oconee County. We need to take those days and those memories and put them to good use. Remember the people that sacrificed that day and then every day since then to make this country better and to make this country safe.” Chief Krien says some first responders from Oconee County are taking a special walk to remember that tragic day in our country’s history. “We have members being a part of the Charleston Silent Walk today. They are representing the 343 firefighters walking with full turnout gear across the Ravenel Bridge in Charleston.” Thursday night, Clemson University students set up 3,000 flags along Cox Plaza arranged in the shape of a nine, with a pentagon shape in the design to represent the Pentagon in Washington D.C., an 11 to represent the twin towers of the World Trade Center and a plane to symbolize United Flight 93. Clemson Young Americans for Freedom organized the observance.