OC Students give back to Community

If you have a student in the School District of Oconee County (SDOC) you probably already know that a lot of giving took place before the holidays this year. Each school in the SDOC gave back to the community in some way, tells Public Information Officer Dr. Sharon Sanders. “We had several concerts, activities and presentations.” While the gift of show and song were given by many elementary school students, high school students gave actual gifts to needy kids in the community, adds Dr. Sanders. “We are also are very proud of the different activities that our students have been involved over the last couple of weeks giving back to their communities. West-Oak High had Shop with a Warrior, Seneca High had Shop with a Bobcat, and Walhalla High had their White Christmas. All of this involved students giving back to their communities and to experience the real message of the season of reaching out into the community. So, we are very proud of the different experiences that our students have had over the holidays.” To read more about the good things students in the SDOC are doing in the community, visit www.oconee.k12.sc.us.