OC Superintendent hoping for Fun and Safe Spring Break

Rest up and enjoy some time off. That is the message from Oconee County Schools Superintendent Dr. Michael Thorsland to students this week during spring break. “I think this week is just an important week for students to rest. I would encourage them to play outside, I think the weather is going to get a lot better as the week goes on, so just spend time with family enjoying each other. Get outside and enjoy the beautiful area that we live in and see the flowers blooming as the temperatures warm up. Just recharge batteries for this last eight week stretch.” Oconee County Schools Assistant Superintendent of Operations Steve Hanvey just wants students and staff to be safe this week. “We just want them to enjoy a safe and restful spring break. We did have to change that April 6 day, which was an additional holiday for students, but it is now a make up day because of the bad weather that we had earlier.” When students return to school on Monday, April 6 in the School District of Oconee County, testing and graduation arrangements will comprise their final eight weeks of classes.