Oconee County Council Met Tuesday Night

The School District of Oconee County presented their budget during last night’s county council meeting. Chairman John Elliot clarified for local school officials that Oconee’s next reassessment cannot factor in for the new 12 month school budget, which begins July 1st.

Also during last night’s meeting, Oconee County administrator Amanda Brock reported to the County Council that she received assurances of a green light to start piped sewer to parts of I-85 in the county. Brock reported a phone call from South Carolina “ACOG’s” Arlene Young of what’s believed to be approval of the final permit. Brock said she’ll meet soon with Chris Eleazer of the Joint Regional Sewer Authority to go over contracts.

In a matter related, the county council OK’d up to $85 thousand for 3,160 square yards of asphalt to repair and resurface 25 driveways and 19 drainage pipes to be impacted by the wastewater expansion. The work is seen necessary infrastructure to create economic development on Oconee’s four-mile 85 stretch, from the Anderson County line to the bridge that leads into Georgia.