Oconee County Sheriff’s Office Holds Swearing In Ceremony For Newest Reserve Deputies

(Seneca, SC)—————The Oconee County Sheriff’s Office recently held a swearing in ceremony for two new reserve deputies: Lewis Beck and Stacy Foster.
Reserve deputies are required to work 20 hours a month and attend one training session each month. Reserve deputies have the same authority as a sworn deputy, however, they are unpaid.
Training consists of two weeks of training at the Sheriff’s Office which is followed by testing in Columbia for certification. Reserve deputies must also accrue 240 hours of seat time with a deputy before they can go out on patrol on their own.
If you are a citizen of Oconee County and may be interested in becoming a reserve deputy, contact Captain Jeff Underwood with the Uniform Patrol Division at 864-638-4111 or by e-mail at [email protected].